Dijon – 01 March


So today we went to Dijon to see truly one of the most beautiful towns in France. The city was largely spared from the bombings of the second world war so all its romantically styled old buildings are still intact.

We saw a lot of Dijons famous sights including the Jardin Darcy, Musee de Archéologique, Musée de la Vie Bourguignonne, and of course the Dijon Mustard Maille Shop.

Dijon Les Halles

Dijon Les Halles

We had put off going to Dijon until Friday so that we could experience the street and food market there, and boy was it worth it. We followed the tourist owls until we got too distracted by the wealth of things on offer by the street vendors. We eventually made it to the main event – Dijon’s Les Halles – and were lucky enough to find free snacks and wine due to an Italian Life event that was there. Walking around the market was definitely a feast for your eyes more than anything else, although the free bread and fruit we tasted was also delicious.

Une Vie de Reve Lighting Display 2013-03-08 10.15.23

My other favourite find was a beautiful little shop named Une Vie de Reve which sold a range of household items from tea cup wine glasses, knitted animal wall busts, and some amazing craft lighting. It was great to see this in France and it shows that craft is on the upsurge across Europe as well as in the UK

And of course no trip to Dijon would be complete without that terribly cliché trip to the Maille shop, where they have mustard on tap.

Maille Mustard TapsChecking out the Maille Mustard in Dijon

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