Belfort Flea Market – Place d’Armes

Belfort Flea Market

Belfort Flea Market

Yesterday we got up ridiculously early for a Sunday so that we could go to Belfort’s famous flea market which is held on the first Sunday of the month. I had been planning to go for quite some time but either forgot or was already busy by the time I realised. So I was really happy last night when I saw that it was the first Sunday in June and incidentally the last time we would be able to go while I am still living in France.





So 3 of us awoke at the crack of dawn to catch the train and we were not disappointed! The market was an immense mix of kitchenware, furniture, clocks and other trinkets. We went around at least 3 times and discovered new treasures at every turn.

I picked up an old rusty wind up alarm clock for my house for 10 Euros. Its only negative is that it is German not French but it was the nicest one I saw. It was tick tocking away in my bag all day.

Belfort Lion

Belfort Lion

From there we had time to go and see the famous lion which was also free on the first Sunday of the month and was spectacularly grand. The photos we had seen online for this didn’t do it justice.



At 12 we hopped on the train to nearby town Ronchamp to see the Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut. Not the best signposted attraction or the most easily accessible by foot (we ended up on a footpath through then woods, good job it hasn’t rained) and by the time we broke out on top of the hill the sun came out to greet us!

Bells in Ronchamp

Bells in Ronchamp

At the Chapelle Notre dame we met a lovely nun who showed us a bit of the monastery and then we were free to explore around. Inside the church was certainly not anything like I had experienced before with its tall colourful alcoves and concave roof. The ‘stained glass windows’ were hardly traditional either.